Dog Park Etiquette Tips

Black and White French Bulldog Lying on Green Grass

Summer is the best time to get out of the house and hit up your local park with your dog. The number one rule is to make sure the time of day you are going is not too hot for your dog, especially during our Arizona summers. Just like people, dogs have different expectations when going to the dog park and what they want to do there.

Knowing dog park etiquette will play a huge role in if your dog is ready for the park. Here are some tips so you can be the coolest dog parent on the block…

According to the AKC, here are some basic etiquette tips:

  • Should your pet show signs of illness or a contagious disease, don’t bring him/her to the park.
  • Don’t bring a puppy less than 4 months old or a female dog in heat.
  • Keep an eye on your dog! Don’t let your dog be aggressive with another dog.
  • Obviously, pick up after your dog.
  • Don’t bring food for yourself or your dog.
  • Bring a portable water bowl for your dog—water bowls at dog parks carry the risk of communicable illnesses.
  • Keep your small dog in the designated small-dog section of the park—even if he/she enjoys hanging out with the big dogs.
  • Bring a ball, but be prepared to lose it.
  • Don’t let your dog run in a pack. Intervene when play starts to get too rough.

Here are some Dog Park DOs to remember:

  • DO leave your cellphone and other distractions in the car. Focus should be kept on your dog the entire time while at the park so that you can intervene and control a situation if necessary.
  • DO remove your dog’s leash upon entering the park, and keep it with you while you are there.
  • DO use the dog park as a fun training session. Practice calling your dog to you, rewarding him and releasing him to play again. Trips to the dog park shouldn't always be a free-for-all.
  • DO leave kids at home. The dog park is a park for dogs. Bring your children to the playground separately — small children at the dog park are often a danger, or in danger.

Dog park etiquette is so important, but not talked about enough! We hope this list helps you and that you pass it along. For more information, visit or call our office at 602-559-9600.