Why You Should Pet Your Cat More?

As if we needed a reason to pet our cats more, but truth be told there are more benefits to petting your cat than you probably realize – both for them and for you!

Communicate love
Petting is one of the best ways that you can communicate your love to your cat– there’s no mistaking what your caresses and scratches mean. And in turn, she can communicate her love through nudges and purring.

Reduce stress
Cats making great therapy animals. One of the reasons they make such great therapy animals is because studies have shown that petting a cat can reduce stress and anxiety, plus help lower blood pressure!

Detect fleas and ticks
When you pet your cat often, you’ll be more familiar with her body and coat. That’ll help you notice if there are any creepy crawlers trying to make a meal out of your kitty. Fleas, especially, multiply fast. Noticing them quickly can help you eliminate the problem before it gets out of control.

Detect new cuts or bumps
Petting your cat often will also help you notice changes in her body that may not be visible under her coat, like scratches, bumps, or patches of dry skin. Noticing these changes can help guide you to action– whether that’s simply keeping an eye on it or making an appointment with your veterinarian.

Detect tenderness
Since cats are masters at hiding pain, you may not even notice that your cat’s left leg is feeling tender until you pet her and your touch elicits a flinch or whimper. Being clued into an injury can help you take the steps necessary (likely through a visit with your veterinarian) to manage her pain and get her on the road to healing.