How To Brush Your Dog's Teeth


It’s Dental Month here at Laveen Vet Center, we’re here to help you make the most of it. Along with our tips on how to brush your dog’s teeth, we’re offering 20% off all dentals when booked in the month of October. The dental association recommends a daily tooth brushing, but we know that can be a daunting task for some. Dr. Ware recommends at least several times a week, or as often as you can. 

Toothbrush and Toothpaste 

You want to make sure you’re purchasing a toothbrush and toothpaste that are right for your dog. The toothbrush should fit in your dog’s mouth. Consider a soft brush if your dog has sensitive gums, or one with tougher bristles to help you clean. As far as toothpaste, you’ll want to stay away from human toothpaste. Dr. Ware recommends the brand CET. Dog toothpaste is edible, so your dog can lick it off their teeth as you go. 

Dr. Ware’s Steps

  • Put a decent sized dollop of toothpaste on the toothbrush

  • Grab the upper lip and pull it back to expose the large chewing teeth first

  • Start brushing here, a few brushes of each tooth will do the trick

  • Work your way up their mouth, moving on to the canine tooth

  • Move to the incisors, continuously brushing 

  • Repeat steps for other side

Make it a Routine

Brushing your dog’s teeth is the number one way to make sure they live healthy lives with few dental issues. Remembering to brush their teeth is the toughest part of the process. Things to help you remember can include setting alarms on your phone, or keeping their toothbrush in the bathroom with yours. Offer praise or a treat when you’re done, soon your dog will be waiting at the bathroom door to get their teeth brushed.

If you have any questions about brushing your dog’s teeth, give us a call at (602) 559-9600, or visit our website to make an appointment and receive 20% off your dental exam