Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips

Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips

Fourth of July is just around the corner, and like many Americans you are probably planning on a very festive day. No matter how you plan on enjoying your holiday, fireworks are a must to celebrate the birth of our nation. Maybe you are considering staying at home or going out to watch the fireworks. Regardless of what your plans are, make sure to take a moment to consider your pets. 

Pets don’t associate fireworks with celebration and often panic at the loud noises and bangs. The flashes, the noise, and the burning smell of the fireworks can be a very traumatizing experience for pets. The American Humane Association reports that July 5th is one of the busiest days of the year for animal shelters. Animals panic at the noise of fireworks and often end up lost, injured or killed. This is why it is so important to take precautions to ensure your pets will be safe this Fourth of July. 

Here are five tips to help keep your pet safe this Fourth of July.

1. Alcoholic Beverages Can Poison and Harm Pets

Never leave drinks unattended where your pet could possibly reach them. Alcoholic drinks can make your pet very intoxicated, and weak. In severe cases your pet could go into a coma from alcohol consumption. 

2. Keep your Pet Indoors

Even if your pet is used to being outside, the fireworks could cause your pet to go into a panic. This may result in your pet running away and getting lost. We think it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so keeping indoors on this day, is probably the best idea for everyone involved.  

3. Make Sure Your Pet is Properly Identified

If your pet does become lost, without proper identification it will be much more difficult to get them back.  Make sure your pet is wearing its ID tags, or consider fitting your pet with microchip identification. 

4. Don’t Feed Your Pet “Table Food”

Your guests may be tempted to give your pets snacks, but what they may not realize is that some foods are extremely harmful to your pet’s health. Foods like chocolate, onions, grapes, coffee and salt are hazards for dogs and cats. 

5. Never Use Fireworks Around Pets!

Pets can become very curious and potentially harm themselves. Most fireworks contain potentially toxic substances that are extremely dangerous to your pets. If you will be using Fireworks, we ask that you keep your pet inside, and out of harms way. 

This Fourth of July make sure to find a secure and safe spot for your pet. Your pet can still enjoy the festivities, but they will appreciate a quiet spot during the firework show. Keep these five tips in mind when enjoying your holiday to ensure your pet’s safety.