How to Keep Your Cat Happy

September is Happy Cat Month and a happy cat means a happy life! But, how do you know if your cat is actually happy? Here are some tips for making the great indoors an interesting, feline-friendly environment that meets all of your cat's needs.

A Tired Cat is a Happy Cat
Cats are natural athletes and it’s all too easy for an indoor cat to go stir crazy if it can’t work out that excess energy. The good news is there’s no shortage of awesome cat toys that will keep your cat moving. There are toys that look like mice, toys with feathers, battery-powered toys with flashing light and sound, laser pointers, toys that move, toys on strings–everything that you need to help keep your cat pouncing and stalking safely indoors.

Bird Viewing Stations
Simply install a cat window perch and put up a bird feeder or bath right outside the window. Your pet cat will have hours of viewing pleasure.

Let Your Cat Go Hunting
Cats are inherently curious animals. In addition to toys, you can help your cat exercise its natural hunting instinct by hiding its favorite treats around the house. Freeze treats in ice cubes or use special cat treat puzzles and toys that make your cat work to extract its reward to offer hours of mental stimulation.

Pets in Pairs
Few of us can be home all day to love on our cats, so consider getting a second cat as a companion. Having a buddy to run and play with can go a long way in keeping indoor cats happy and stimulated. There’s no shortage of homeless cats at your local shelter just waiting for someone to take them home.

Let Your Cat Climb
Wild cats are natural climbers, pursuing prey into the trees and seeking high places when frightened. Your pet cat retains those same climbing instincts. Cat trees are a great way to allow your cat to exercise its urge to climb, and they come in all shapes and sizes to fit your space and decor. If you’re handy, you can build your own. Take it to the next level by adding “cat shelves” throughout your home to take advantage of vertical space for your feline family members.

Love Your Cat
This last one is simple. You love your cat, and that love can be the most powerful tool you have to keeping it happy. Unlike their wild ancestors, domesticated cats crave human attention. Often the most effective way of keeping your indoor cat happy is to just pay attention to it. Snuggle your cat, pet your cat, and play with your cat every day.