Decoding Your Dog's Bark

Dogs bark for many reasons, they might be happy to see you or trying to protect you from danger. But how do you know what they’re trying to tell you?

Originally, dog barking was an alarm-call function. However, small changes to the sound of these barks has allowed dogs to convey even more messages to humans and other dogs alike.

Understanding your dog’s barks and noises is essential to their care, and helps you to know how your pet is feeling. By listening carefully to our dog’s noises and observing their body language, we can become closer to our dogs, confirming they are man’s best friend.

Potential Threat Bark
Rapid 2-4 mid to low pitched barks with pauses in between

Attention Seeking Bark
High pitched, short pauses in between

Excitement or Play Bark
High or medium pitched, almost happy sounding

Boredom Bark
Medium pitched, ongoing and may include howling

Guarding Bark
Low pitched, sometimes intermittent with growling

Fearful Bark
High pitched, sporadic. Watch the body language to confirm